The Chamber of the Crossroads
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The Bridge to Dwarf Lords Gate |
From Dolven-View, exit to the north, down the stairs to Gazatmur. Take the stairs down behind Wigfast then continue straight on and up another flight of stairs. Cross the bridge and pass through Dwarf Lords Gate.
Once in the hall on the other side, examine the Ornate Chest Piece to accept [53] Unexpected Treasure.
When you see a Iron Garrison Guide take the passageway north to enter Durin's Way. After descending the stairs turn right (east) and continue descending to find Manarbul. Turn north and head through a small guarded passage to reach Chamber of the Crossroads.
Speak to Uxi at the entrance way to accept [53] Shattered. Run a few paces south to the statue in the room and you will get a message that "The statue is missing most of the body from the waist up". Return to Uxi and turn in the quest.
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The Chamber of the Crossroads |
Continue down the passageway into The Chamber of the Crossroads camp:
- Speak to Styrlak to get the stable path
- Speak to Rambi to turn in Unexpected Treasure and accept [53] Heralds of Corruption
- Speak to Sigdan (up the stairs) and continue Heralds of Corruption
- Return to Rambi and turn in Heralds of Corruption
- Speak to Lukmund to turn in To the Chamber of Crossroads and accept [53] Stronghold of the Goblins and [53] Likmunds' Companions
- Speak to Rink and accept [53] A Bitter Enemy
- Speak to Fostolf and accept [53] Drums of War
- Speak to Gansi and accept [53] Lost Supplies
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The Hall of the High Stair |
Exit the camp to the south into the room with the statue. Take the south-eastern exit and, when the room opens out, take the northern passageway to the Hall of the High Stair:
- Destroy 6 Drums
- Kill 10 Goblins
Climb the High Stair and, at the top, turn right (north). Continue up the tunnel and collect the 2 supply-crates
At the top of the passageway turn let (east) and find Krum (3.8,112.5). Speak to him to continue Stronghold of the Goblins and escort him into Ninknakh Faltor. After a little while he will decide he has explored as far as is safe and the quest will progress. At this point you should retrace your steps out of the camp.
Head east along the tunnel to find the third supply crate (3.6,112.0) then take the tunnel to the north beside it into Mudmulzarak where you will find the remaining 3 supply crates.
Exit to the south and take the first tunnel to the west, then take the tunnel to the south to return to the Crossroads camp:
- Speak to Rink to turn in A Bitter Enemy
- Speak to Fostolf and turn in Drums of War
- Speak to Gansi and turn in Lost Supplies
- Speak to Likmund and turn in Stronghold of the Golbins and Likmunds Companions. Accept [53] Message to Zikakzigil
- Speak to Thalfi to accept [53] Mapping the Winding Way
- Speak to Rambi to accept [53] Scraps of Shadow
Progressing the Epic:
At the Chamber of Crossroads, enter the small room at the top of the stairs and speak to Brogur to continue B2C6
Exit the room and speak to Bosi to turn in the quest and accept [54] B2C7: The Empty Passage. Speak to him again to travel to the instance (which contains lvl 52 mobs so is easily achievable)
- Follow Bosi until he stops killing Gredbyg
- Perform the requested emote to reveal the door
- Examine the 3 forges
- Return to Bosi and protect him from harm to complete the instance
Exit the instance and speak to Bosi to turn in B2C7 and accept [54]B2C8: The Twenty-First Hall.
Speak to Likmund to accept [51] The Winding Way
To the Twenty-First Hall
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The Twenty-first Hall |
OPTIONAL: This camp is one of 3 which offers repeatable quests for rep with the Iron Garrison and crafting materials. The dungeons here are geared towards scholars and contain a heap of resource nodes (15+). Any player can complete the quests for the rep and the tokens rewarded at the end can be traded for crafting materials for any profession. If you are interested then speak to Darri and accept [53] Mekeb-Faham: Book End, MF: The Comfort of Words and MF: When Scholars Attack. Note that Orvars offers similar quests for a level 57 dungeon, Mekeb-Farak however it's not efficient to run this at level 53. The nodes in both dungeons reset twice a week.
Enter the dungeon through the door to Darri's left:
- Make your way up through the levels of the library (it's basically one big ramp with rooms off to the side on each level)
- Collect 8 Books of Dwarf Prose
- Kill 20 enemies (don't go looking for them , just killing the ones that aggro should do it!)
- Kill the Cave-Claw Pack Leader (lvl 53 signature) - he patrols around the rooms at the top of the dungeon
- When you've done all of the above Leave the instance and turn in the quests to Darri.
Continue along the Winding Way until you reach the fourth "good section to draw" and use the parchment. Continue a little further and you will reach the entrance to the Twenty-First Hall, enter the hall and run east, past a large banner then use the parchment for a final time to complete the map
Twenty-First Hall is the major city in Moria:
Ride back to the third mirror (south-west) and swivel it. Return to Darri and turn in Faint but Fierce
Speak to the stable master, Taf (5.7,105.3) to get the stable route and buy a ride back to Crossroads (swift and normal travel available). Speak to Thalfi to turn in Mapping the Way
Door to the Clouds
Exit the Crossroads into the statue room and take the western exit then turn right and climb the stairs to the north. At the top turn left (east) and continue straight on until you reach Durin's Crossing. Take the passageway to the left (north) north to find the Door to the Clouds
The Fanged Pit
Exit The Stone Halls across the eastern bridge and continue east to find Folkarth in The Fanged Pit:
Exit the camp up the slope to the south and follow the path east and up into the hills. Eventually the path will curve north and you will reach Skoiruzg:
- Head to the south-side of the hall to find the Chamber of Leadership, enter and speak to Brogur to turn in B2C8 and accept [56]B3C1: An Overzealous Explorer (note: The Epic jumps levels a bit here so we'll be coming back to it later)
- Take the opportunity to visit your class trainer etc
- Speak to Darri (5.9,105.3) and accept [55] A Gleam in the Gloom
- Examine the Riddle (5.9,105.5) and accept [55] Riddles in the Tomb.
Ride back to the third mirror (south-west) and swivel it. Return to Darri and turn in Faint but Fierce
Speak to the stable master, Taf (5.7,105.3) to get the stable route and buy a ride back to Crossroads (swift and normal travel available). Speak to Thalfi to turn in Mapping the Way
Door to the Clouds
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Door to the Clouds |
Exit the Crossroads into the statue room and take the western exit then turn right and climb the stairs to the north. At the top turn left (east) and continue straight on until you reach Durin's Crossing. Take the passageway to the left (north) north to find the Door to the Clouds
- Speak to Sibbi to get the stable route
- Speak to Kalman to continue Scraps of Shadow and accept [53] After the Fire and [53] Emissaries of the White Hand
- Speak to Listein and turn in Message to Zirakzigil and accept [53] Send them Back Home and [53] Untold Legends
- Speak to Siggir and accept [53] Plenty to Go Around
Exit to the east to find Uflump-Mur, continue east through the camp to find the Ancient shield on the rise behind the pool (3.2,110.2).
Exit to the west and return to Listein and turn in Untold Legends.
Exit to the south and return to Durin's Crossing and kill the Emmisary (lvl 52 signature).
Head west down the passageway and kill any Morroval-Stalkers you see (there are spawns at 3.6,11.4 and 3.7,11.5) then take the first passage to the south to enter Gloku-ru
- Kill 9 Goblins
- Kill Morroval-Stalkers (4.2,111.4) (4.2,111.0)
- Kill the White Hand Emissary (in a small room to the south, 4.2,111.1)
Exit to the north then turn left (west) and head down the passageway until you reach a cross roads. Turn right (north) into Mudmulzarak. In the north-east corner you will find Captain Gomig with 2 guards. Note that you can pull the 2 guards separately but, if you do so, make sure you drag them away from the Captain as he has an aura that will keep healing them up to full health! If you're happy fighting all 3 at once just make sure you kill the Captain first.
Exit to the south then go right (west) at the first cross roads into Ninknakj Faltor. Turn immediately left (south) and follow the upwards bridge to find the final Emissary. Kill it
Exit the area and follow the tunnels east to Durin's Crossing then head south down the tunnel and take the first exit to the east. Continue east to find the entrance to the Bat Cave (4.3,110.2). Enter the cave:
- Kill 12 Bats
- Kill 3 Morroval Bat Handlers (lvl 53 signature)
Exit the cave through the eastern tunnel and return to the camp (go west as far as you can, then north):
- Speak to Siggir to turn in Plenty to Go Around
- Speak to Listein to turn in Send Them Back Home
- Speak to Kalman to turn in Emissaries of the White Hand and Scraps of Shadow. Accept [53] Unseen
Tharak Bazan
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Tharak Bazan |
Ride south to Durin's Crossing then east into Tharak Bazan. Continue east to the statue then turn north-east to find the camp
- Speak to the un-named Stable Master to get the stable path (swift travel only)
- Speak to Bukk to continue Unseen and accept [53] The Terror that Was Azog and [53] A Rare Root
- Speak to Arnod to turn in Unseen
- Speak to Gerwith to turn in After the Fire and aaccept [53] Blackest Night
Exit the camp to the south and make your way around the gardens in a rough loop
- Collect 10 Healthy Mud-Root (found near water)
- Collect 8 Glowing Crystals
- Examine the Moria Mirror - found up high, just to the west of the large statue(3.6,109.0) to accept [53] A Light in the Garden
Return to the camp:
- Speak to Bukk to turn in A Rare Root
- Speak to Gerwith to turn in Blackest Night
Exit the camp to the east and enter Sunul-dum. Climb the long rocky slope to the north-east and continue east into The Mustering Hall. Take the stairs up to the south then east and find Arnfinn, in the north-east corner being intimidated by 4 Moria Thugs. Kill the thugs then speak to Arfinn to continue the Terror that was Azog.
Return west to the camp and speak to Bukk to turn in The Terror that was Azog and accept [53] Records of Old Times. Speak to Arnod to continue the quest.
Exit the camp to the east into Slunul-dum. Continue due east into a small room (not up the slope!) to find the first Ancient Records.
Exit the room and climb up the slope. In the lower corner of the slope examine the Statue Arm (3.0,107.8) to accept Helgi Goblinbane's Arm (this is a remote-bestowal for some reason, look for the banner like you get for festival quests).
Continue east into the Mustering Hall and climb the small flight of stairs to the right to find the second Ancient Records
Backtrack into the main room of Slunul-dum and take the southern exit. Take a dog-leg east then south again into The Glass-Hall and follow the slope down to the right (east). Head a little way east then take the first tunnel south to find the third Ancient Record (4.2,108.2).
Exit to the north then go immediately east. Follow the passage south and take the exit to the east into Zabad-dum. Climb the wide stairs to the north and find the final Ancient Record (3.8,107.3) on a raised platform.
Exit the room to the north, into Salab Nurjunul and take the first turning west to return to Tharakh Bazan.
Speak to Arnod to turn in Helgi Goblinbane's Arm and Records of the Dark Times. Accept [53] Lest We Forget
Exit the camp to the west and descend into the gardens. Take the first turning to the north and stand before the northern statue to tell the "/story" of the fallen
Take the bridge to the south then the slope to the east to stand before the central statue (on the eastern side of it) and tell the "/story" of the fallen
Descend the slope to the south and stand before the fountain to recount the "/story" a final time.
Return to the camp and speak to Arnod to turn in Lest We Forget and accept [53] Preserving Ancient Tales. Speak to Bukk to continue the quest.
Jazargund (The Stone Hall)
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Jazurgund |
Ride south from the camp and take the eastern exit to leave the basin. Ride east down the wide corridor, through Salab Nurjunul and into the Stone Hall
- Speak to Rangi the stable-master to get the stable route.
Ride south, past the main camp and across the bridge, as you enter 21st hall turn immediately left and follow the passageway east then south. Look for a turning on your left (east) and find The Chamber of Mazarbul. Speak to Warr to turn in The Winding Way
Return to Jazargund and :
- Speak to Borgar to turn in Preserving Ancient Tales and accept [53] Badgers as Shepherds and [53] Hope from the East
- Speak to Oxi to turn in A Light in the Garden
- Speak to Ion to accept [53] Little Revolution
- Speak to Hamall to accept [53] Crashing Down and [53] Remembering the Old Songs
Exit the Stone Hall over the eastern bridge into Jundul-dum. Climb the slopes to the north and light the 2 Cauldrons then take the eastern-most passage to the north and enter the room to the east to find a White Hand Taskmaster.
Head west then immediately north into the next room to find a Damaged Column, A piece of Sheet Music and another White Hand Taskmaster. (3.0,104.3)
Exit to the west to find another Sheet Music and White Hand Taskmaster on a raised platform in the north of the room. (2.9,104.4)
Continue west to find another Decaying column (2.9,104.6), and a White Hand Taskmaster and Sheet Music (3.0,104.7)
Exit to the south and cross over to light the 3 Cauldrons on the south side of the main room. Head down the eastern-most tunnel to the south then bear east into a small room where you will find a Decaying Column.
Exit the room, go south a few paces and into the next room to the east to find Zahof (lvl 53 elite, hits like a wet dishcloth). Place a Mordor banner on his throne when he's dead.
Exit the room and head west then climb the stairs to the north to find another Taskmaster and Sheet Music (4.2,104.4)
Go down the stairs and further west to a small camp by a fire where you will find the next Decaying Column (4.3,104.6) and Sheet Music.
Continue west and locate the final 2 Decaying Columns to either side of the path (4.2,104.9) and stairs leading to the final Taskmaster & Sheet Music (4.2,105).
Exit the orc camp to the north then ride west to return to Jazargund:
Exit the room and head west then climb the stairs to the north to find another Taskmaster and Sheet Music (4.2,104.4)
Go down the stairs and further west to a small camp by a fire where you will find the next Decaying Column (4.3,104.6) and Sheet Music.
Continue west and locate the final 2 Decaying Columns to either side of the path (4.2,104.9) and stairs leading to the final Taskmaster & Sheet Music (4.2,105).
Exit the orc camp to the north then ride west to return to Jazargund:
- Speak to Borgar to turn in Hope from the East and Badgers as Shepherds
- Speak to Ion to turn in Little Revolution
- Speak to Hamall to turn in Crashing Down and Remembering the Old Songs
- Speak to Oxi to accept [53] Into the Fanged Pit and collect the Sack of Supplies next to him
The Fanged Pit
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Camp at the Fanged Pit |
Exit The Stone Halls across the eastern bridge and continue east to find Folkarth in The Fanged Pit:
- Speak to the Stable-Master to get the stable route (swift-travel only)
- Speak to Folkath to turn in Into the Fanged Pit and accept [53] Visage of Terror
- Speak to Guri to accept [53] Birds of Prey
- Speak to Hadi to accept [53] Workshop of the Winged
- Speak to Besi to accept [53] Fungus Takes Flight
Exit the camp down the northern path and follow it around to the east. Continue due east to find Tith-mandhul:
- Open 6 cages and free the Globsnaga then kill them
- Kill 6 Morroval Slayers
Exit the area to the south and find Erlar (3.7,101.8). Speak to him to continue Workshop of the Winged then follow him and protect him from the Morroval. When all are defeated he will run off to secure the escape route. Let him go and shortly afterwards you will be able to destroy the nearby seige engine.
Exit the camp up the slope to the south and follow the path east and up into the hills. Eventually the path will curve north and you will reach Skoiruzg:
- Destroy 6 nests
- Kill 6 Morroval Slingers
Exit the camp to the south and follow the path around to the west and all the way back to the Fanged Pit Camp:
- Speak to Guri to turn in Birds of Prey
- Speak to Hadi to turn in Workshop of the Winged
- Speak to Besi to turn in Fungus Takes Flight
- Speak to Folkath to turn in Visage of Terror and accept [53] Vanity
Exit the camp to the south and follow the path, past one tall tower, until you reach the second tower (Dar-rukh)(4.7,100.3). Leave the path and climb to the top of the tower then strike the mirror to summon Bogrian. Fight her until she retreats then return to the path and head west until you return to the camp.
Speak to Folkath to turn in Vanity and accept [54] Bogrian's Curiosity. Speak to Hadi to continue the quest.
Exit the camp to the north and follow the path around until you find a group of Scouts. Kill 2 of them and then return to the camp.
Speak to Folkath to turn in Bogrian's Curiosity and accept [54] Death to the Maidens.
Use the "Goat to Zikragil" to travel instantly to Zikragil and head north into the Broken Cleft.
Bear north-west, staying high in the hills, until you find the The Searchers Eyrie (14.3,109.8):
- Kill 5 Bograin's Personal Guards
- Kill 5 Bograin's Defilers
Use Bograin's Banner (14.4,109.8) to summon her and defeat her.
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Exit is down through the big rock pile on the left |
Exit to the south, up into the mountains and out through the Broken Cleft (note, the exit isn't very obvious but if you run to the flag for Broken Cleft on the map you will find it there - see picture)
Take the 'Goat to the Fanged Pit' then ride west to Jazargund. Speak to Oxi to turn in Death to the Maidens. Accept [53] Dark Victory
Take a stable-route to the Twenty First Hall and speak to Simbi (5.9,105.4) to turn in Dark Victory. Accept [54] Aguti's Advice
Durin's Way is now completed, onto The Waterworks
Durin's Way is now completed, onto The Waterworks
Very helpful. One correction: "Exit the camp down the northern path and follow it around to the [east]. Continue due [east] to find Tith-mandhul"
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction - I've amended the guide as you suggest.