Goblin Town offers several quests and deeds. Many quests are turned in at Gloin's camp and Rivendell and the nearest milestone to Goblin Town is at Hrimburg. I suggest binding your milestone to one of these three locations to make life easier!
VIPs can swift travel between the locations and all players can use the stable route between Gloin's Camp to Rivendell
Speak to Elrond (in his study in the Last Homely House) to accept [48] A Missing Scout and to Bilbo (in The Hall of Fire) to accept [48] Passage to Darkness.Take a ride to Gloin's Camp and turn in Dwalin's Concern (which you picked up doing Book 7) and accept [48] Goblins at the Gate
You should already have Down,Down to Goblin Town from previous question in the Misty Mountains (if you missed it the chain starts with Against The Pack from Nogmeldir at Vindurhal)
First Visit (Goblin Town Tunnels)
Ride north from Hrimburg to The Mountain's Throat (21.3,6.0) and enter The Goblin Town Tunnels ("you have discovered the Main Entrance" for Goblins at the Gate)
Whilst in Goblin Town ensure you kill 12 Goblins for Goblins at the Gate
Proceed carefully and pull the goblins to you to avoid being mobbed.
Once out of the entry hall take the right hand-side of the path towards the Stained Button
Work your way to the second campfire by the bridge.

Search the debris pile to find the Stained Button and start the Bilbo's Buttons Deed
Return to the junction and take the downward slope towards Black Crag.
Keep left and cross the wooden bridge
Take the tunnel to the west .
Continue west along the tunnel, ignoring any turnings, and you will exit through The Black Crack (and "discover the hidden entrance to Goblin-Town" for Passage to Darkness
Exit Goblin-Town:
- Go to the Last Homely House in Rivendell and speak to Bilbo in the Hall of Fire to turn in Passage to Darkness and accept [48] My Dwarf Friends
- Go to Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin and speak to Dwalin to continue My Dwarf Friends
- Go to Gloin's Camp in the Misty Mountains and speak to Gloin to continue My Dwarf Friends and turn in Goblins at the Gate and accept [48] Order From the Darkness
- Go to the Last Homely House in Rivendell and speak to Bilbo in the Hall of Fire to turn in My Dwarf Friends and accept [48] Preparing for the Dark
- Go to Bilbo's Room (across the hallway) and speak to Frodo and Gandalf to continue Preparing for the Dark
- Return to the Hall of Fire and speak to Bilbo to turn in Preparing for the Dark and accept [48] The Undiscovered Path
Second Visit (Order from the Darkness)
Return to Goblin Town through the Mountain's Throat and kill every goblin you see until "you find a sheaf of nasty looking paper on the corpse of the goblin". Return to Gloin and turn in Order From The Darkness and accept [48] Memory of the Wargs
Third Visit (The Slave Pens)
Return to Goblin Town via The Black Crag; to find the hidden entrance head up the slope to the right of The Mountain's Throat and follow the path through up and around to the entrance.
Run straight through the first cave and then take the first tunnel on your right into a small cave filled with wargs (usually 5 pairs of wargs & keepers). Kill them all (kill the keepers first or they will heal the wargs)
[Picture of warg cave one]
Continue down the tunnel, ignoring all turnings, until you emerge onto a platform overlooking a large cave. Turn left and run up the slope to the top
Double back along the platform on the left of the cave towards the small warg cave
to find a second small cave filled with wargs (usually 3 wargs or 2 wargs & 1 keeper). Kill the wargs.
[Picture of warg cave 2]
Return to the end of the platform and descend the slope to return to the tunnel to Black Crag, do not enter the tunnel but cross the bridge to the east. Continue along the tunnel always turning north or east when you reach a junction, until you reach the Slave Pens (Deed Goblin Town)
[Image of slave pens entryway]
Follow the pathRight over bridge. Down curving stairway, follow path thru iron gate. look for Glorwen on right. Turn in Down, Down to Goblin Town.
Continue down the stairway and into the cave at the bottom. Speak to Aeglas to turn in A Missing Scout and accept [49] Other Prisoners.
[Image of Aeglas]
Speak to Oghuck (in the next cell along) to continue Other Prisoners and accept [49] Keepers and the Kept
[Image of Oghuck]
Return upstairs and speak to Glorwen to continue Other Prisoners.
Return to Aeglas and turn in Other Prisoners. Accept [49] Stirring up Trouble
[Image of Aeglas]
Speak to Oghuck (in the next cell along) to continue Other Prisoners and accept [49] Keepers and the Kept
[Image of Oghuck]
Return upstairs and speak to Glorwen to continue Other Prisoners.
Return to Aeglas and turn in Other Prisoners. Accept [49] Stirring up Trouble
Kill Goblin-Town Jailers until you collect 12 Plain Keys then speak to Oghuk to turn in Keepers and the Kept. Accept [49] Drummers in the Deep
Exit the Slave Pens by making your way up the winding path; you can simply run past all the goblins as they cannot go through the portal but be aware that there will be 2 goblins on the far side which will aggro as you emerge.
Make your way back through the Tunnels. Check how many wargs you have killed and if you still need to kill a few revisit the two warg caves on your way out of Goblin Town.
Exit Goblin Town
- Go to Gloin's Camp in the Misty Mountains and speak to Gloin to turn in Memory of the Wargs and accept [48] Rumours of the North
- Speak to Vighar Roadwalker (walking around by the camp entrance) and accept [50] Drum Keepers and [50] Leaders of the Deep
Fourth Visit
Go Into War Steadings. Kill Narash (sig) for orders. Get scratched buttonExit and head due east to enter tunnel to Dagal (50 sig). kill guards as you go (nowhere to lose them)
Discarded pouch for shiny button
Kill Dagal
Into Eglanur, Kill Farmark. COllect broken cuflink from thing.
North some more Kill Zagh Master of the guard
North and east and Golums cave.
[write description]
Return to Gloin and turn in Rumours of the North and accept [48] Indecipherable. Speak to Vighar to turn in Leaders of the Deep
Visit Rivendell and speak to Elrond to continue Indecipherable. Speak to Bilbo to turn in The Undiscovered Path
Return to Gloin to turn in Indecipherable.
You should decline [50] A Great Goblin by Gloin and [50] The Emissary, [50] Arklash, The Leader of Soldiers and [50] Rakothurz and Horm by Tralli Gemfinder. All four of these quests take place inside the Great Goblin's Throne Room instance and cannot be soloed on-level.
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