Sunday 7 April 2013

Northern Forochel (47-49)

We return to Forochel to finish the quests in the north of the region.  Take a stable-path to Pynti-Peldot (Ost Forod->Kauppa-Kohta-> Pynti-Peldot)

To quest in this area you will need to purchase the Forochel quest pack (595TP from the LOTRO Store) or have a VIP subscription.

Unfinished Business

You should still have A Sword Shivered in your log; ride north-west from Pynti-Peldot and kill Gauradan around the Lonesome Stones until you retrieve the Gauradan Sword.  Return to Pynti-Peldot and speak to Deornyd to turn in A Sword Shivered.

Suri-Kyla  (47-48)

Exit the city and follow the path east then north then west (at the fork) to Suri-Kyla. (Work your way around the city anticlockwise):
  • Speak to Ilmo to accept [47] The Hirvi-Herd
  • Speak to Lalli to get the stable-path
  • Speka to Pasi to accept [47] Threat from the South
  • Speak to Lothrandir to turn in The City in the Ice
  • Speak to Reginald Ward to accept An Unheralded Hero
  • Speak to Kaleva to continue The Hirvi-Herd and accept [47] Stones for the Lodge
  • Speak to Nef to accept [47] The Finest Shield in the Land
  • Speak to Matti to continue The Hirvi-Herd and accept [47] Beacon in the Snow
  • Speak to Nora to accept [47] Against the Cold
  • Speak to Jalmari to accept [48] Ancient Rituals
  • Speak to Glorielhen to accept [48] The Elves of Eregion
  • Enter the Great Lodge (19.5,72.0):
    • Speak to Menikko to accept [48] The Jewel of the Ice
    • Speak to Launo to accept [49] Slaves of the Ice
    • Speak to Vamma to accept [48] The Frozen War
    • Pick up the Elk Saddle
Buy a ride to Pynti-Peldot and speak to Esko to turn in The Jewel of Ice and accept [48] The Ransom of Angmar. Buy a ride back to Suri-Kyla

Exit the city and speak to Ilmo to turn in The Hirvi-Herd and accept [47] Protecting the Herd.

From now on kill Peikko and Bears on sight unti lyou have slain 15 Peikkos and collected 18 bear-fur

Collect 4 Bay-Stone fr,m the icey lake opposite the entrance to the city (around 19.2,69.5) 

Continue south along the path until you reach a snowy plain (18.7,66.7). 
  • Collect 5 Snow-beacon Leg Pieces
  • Collect 5 Snow-beacon Coal
  • Collect 5 Snow-beacon Banner Scraps
  • Use the items to repair the Kanta-Vilkku Beacon (18.2,66.7)
Continue south to find the Broken Shield (16.0,63.7)

Enter the Angmarim camp of Reodh Fuil and:
  • Kill Angmarim until you have 15 weapons.
  • Throw some feathers (anywhere inside the camp should work)
Exit the camp and ride west, across the road to discover Olavi's camp. Speak to Olavi to accept [48] Fisherman's Friend and [48] Fisherman's Foe

Ride south a little way and descend the sloping cliffs to the lakeshore. Continue south to find the missing Herald behind an icy mound (14.8,65.3). Speak to him to turn in An Unheralded Hero and accept [48] Falling Standards

Head out north onto the lake-ice and collect Reginald's Banner (15.2,66.6) by a tent with a fire.

Continue west to the waters edge and place the fish on the Ritual Stone, kill Angmarim until you collect the Fishing Pole

Ride north across the ice and use 5 Fish-buckets

Return to the herald and speak to him to continue Falling Standards

Ride up the icy slope (15.9,64.7) onto the hilltop path and return to Olavi, speak to him to turn in Fisherman's Foe and Fisherman's Friend

Return to Suri-Kyla. Ensure you kill any remaining Bears and Peikkos you need on your way:
  • Speak to Ilmo to turn in The Hirvi-Herd and accept [48] The Wayward Bull
  • Speka to Pasi to turn in Threat from the South and accept [47] Grievous Cold
  • Speak to Reginald Ward to turn in Falling Standards
  • Place the stones on the 4 mounds by the fire then speak to Kaleva to turn in Stones for the Lodge
  • Speak to Nef to turn in The Finest Shield in the Land and accept [48] Time for a New Shield
  • Speak to Matti to turn in Beacon in the Snow and accept [47] Resupplying the Beacon
  • Speak to Nora to turn in Against the Cold and accept [47] Warmer Winter
  • Speak to Jalmari to turn in Ancient Rituals
  • Enter the Great Lodge (19.5,72.0) and speak to Rauno to continue Time For A New Shield
  • Return to Nef and continue Time for a New Shield
  • Return to Rauno and speak to him to continue Time for a New Shield
Head north from the city and find the Wayward Bull. Escort it to safety; note that you should let the bull go first and let each enemy land at least one hit on it otherwise it tends to just run on forever and leave you fighting 5 or 6 peikko at once.  The final Peikko is a lvl 48 signature and once you're past him the quest will complete.

Head east to the Beacon killing any remaining Peikko you need for Warmer Winter (18 Hides) and Time for a New Shield (10 Bones) and Frost Worms until you have 10 Scales

Restock the Beacon (18.2,66.7) then investigate the Snow-Beacon Supplies (18.5,66.3)

Contniue east along the path to the Angmarim camp and burn the five tents:
  • 17.3,63.5
  • 16.8,63.5
  • 16.8,62.7
  • 16.4,63.2
  • 16.0,62.7
Check to see if you have found the Orders regarding the Jewel of Ice yet (for The Ransom of Angmar). If you haven't then continue to kill Angmarim until they drop (random drop, can take a lot of kills)

Return to Suri Kyla:
  • Speak to Ilimo tot urn in The Wayward Bull
  • Speak to Pasi to turn in Grievous Cold and accept [48] A Chill Wind
  • Speak to Matti to turn in Resupplying the Beacon and accept [48] Under Attack
  • Speak to Nora and turn in Warmer Winter and accept [48] Winter Cleaning
  • Speak to Rauno (in the Great Lodge) and continue Time for a New Shield, wait for him to craft the shield then speak to him again to continue the quest further.
  • Return to Nef to turn in Time for a New Shield
Buy a ride to Pynti-Peldot and speak to Esko to turn in The Ransom of Angmar and accept [49] Claiming the Jewel . Buy a ride back to Suri-Kyla

Exit the city and head north-west through the icy fields to find and kill Tiuma Kita (21.1,72.2)

Ride south-east to the Beacon, search the Broken Snow Beacon Supply Crate and kill Kokas Karju

Jump down to the east onto the ledge full of bears and find and kill Kylma-Sari (17.2,66.7)

Regain the hilltop path and continue south to the Angmarim camp. Head east, deep into the camp (just avoid the Angmarim) until you reach a stone gateway.  Clear the guards at the gate then enter The Ironspan and kill  Ruraikh (who stands just inside the gate)

Continue east, deeper into The Ironspan and find Roibeard standing atop an L-shaped wall. Note that if you time it right you can pull him away from the patrolling Scout and fight him on whi

Run all the way east into The Ironspan, you will pull a lot of Angmarim but keep going until you reach a gate and can go no further an all except one will reset. Kill the remaining Angmarim then examine the Mysterious Relic (16.9,59.5) to accept [50] Mysterious Relic in Forochel. Speak to Noora to complete the quest.

Run south to Pynti-Peldot and speak to Esko to turn in Claiming the Jewel and accept [49] Treasure of the Lossoth

Take a ride to Suri Kyra:
  • Speak to Pasi to turn in A Chill Wind
  • Speak to Matti to turn in Under Attack
  • Speak to Nora to turn in Winter Cleaning
  • Speak to Rikitsa (in the Great Lodge) to turn in Treasure of the Lossoth

Kuru-Letri (48-49)

Take a ride to Zigilgund (via Pynti-Peldot). Exit the city and ride north and destroy 6 Terriotry Markers:
  • 15.0,81.7
  • 15.1,82.6
  • 14.6,82.9
  • 14.2,83.3
  • 14.2,83.8
  • 14.2,84.3
VIP only: Continue north to Kuru-Letri: and get the stable path (it only offers swift travel so no use to free/premium players)

Head to Suru-Kiri (ride south to Zigilgund and take the stable-paths around the lake).  Speak to Vamma (in the Great Lodge) to turn in The Frozen War and accept [48] Hunters in the Blinding White

Ride to to Kuru-Letri (stable paths to Zigilgund then run, VIPs can swift-travel straight there)
  • Speak to Thurmaer to taccept [49] Theurmaer's Lucky Arrow
  • Speak to Arre to continue Slaves of the Ice
  • Speak to Kirsikka to discover the stable-path (although this only offers swift-travel for VIPs)

Exit the camp to the north-east and enter the ruins of Kibilzahar (enter from the south) and kill 15 wights. At some point a Frozen Amulet will drop and when you get this the quest will auto-advance (so you don't need to kill any remaining wights).  REturn to Arre and turn in Slaves of the Ice and accept [49] Exiles of Winter.

Head south from the camp and locate the worm Belganc (47 signature @ 16.2,83.9) kill it to retrieve the lucky arrow. 

Continue south-east, along the shoreline until you reach the entrance to a rift filled with Gelid Grims (13.2,79.4). Enter and fight your way past the Grims until you reach Nicca. Speak to him to turn in Exiles of Winter and accept [50] Cold as Death

Return to Kuru-Letri (first regain the high ground, then ride north) and speak to Thurmaer to turn in Thurmaer's Lucky Arrow and accept [49] On the Road to Misfortune.

From now on kill Gauradan on sight

Head north to Kibilzahar and enter the ruins, make your way to the platform at the top and use the Frost-Rimed Brazier to summon Delucheleg (lvl 51 signature). Kill him.

Ride south to Barad Guroth and kill:
  •  6 Ravagers
  •  6 Stalkers
  • 6 Seers
Return north to Kuru-Letri and make sure you have collected the hunters map - if it hasn't dropped yet kill Ravagers & Stalkers on your way until it does.

Return to Kuru-Letri :
  • Speak to Thurmaer to turn in On the Road to Misfortune and accept [50] Hero of the Lost (this will be available assuming you followed the guide and assisted the other lost travellers in Southern Forochel, you will also complete the Deed The Lost Fellowship for 5TP).
  • Speak to Arre to turn in Cold as Death
Head to Suru-Kiri (ride south to Zigilgund and take the stable-paths around the lake / swift-travel for VIPs):
  • Speak to Reginald Ward to turn in Hero of the Lost (I suggest taking the Basic Theatre Lesson #13 reward - see below)
  • Speak to Vamma (in the Great Lodge) to turn in Hunters in the Blinding White and accept [49] He Who Leads
Take a ride to Zigilgund and head north to Barad Guroth. Make your way up the hill to find Nadelek (lvl 49 signature) and kill him (tip: run all the way through the camp to Nadelek's clearing, stop just out of his aggro range and use the Basic Theatre #13 scroll to feign death - all the Gauradan that were chasing you will reset and leave you alone to kill Nadalek. WHen he's dead jump off the cliff behind him to exit)

Return to Zigilgund and take a stable-route to Suri-Kyla, speak to Vamma to turn in He Who Leads.

That finishes the quests in Forochel so it's time to move on. You should just be level 49 by now (or very, very close to it) and The Misty Mountains call; it's time to go down, down to Goblin Town.

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